Sunday, April 24, 2011

World Pinhole Day

Today is World Pinhole Day, and handily enough I had converted my now spectacularly out of date 50D to a pinhole camera by drilling a hole in the body cap and sticking one of my Coke-can pinhole lenses to the inside. Here are a couple of shots:

It does work perfectly well, but kind of takes the fun out of it, and the photos seem to lack the dreamlike feel of the "real" pinhole pics. Also, you lose a lot of the wide-angle effect because of the digital crop factor. So I'll probably stick to my trusty "Like-A", currently encased in a "Pinox" shell:

(It was actually meant to be a "Pinox - Slide", but my tendency to "cut twice and measure once" kind of got in the way of the sliding mechanism working, so it's more of a "Pinox - Swing"... )

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