Friday, December 29, 2006

5 Things

So, Lisa tagged me with the "5 Things People Might Not Know About You" thingy. Which is quite exciting, as no-one ever asked me to do one before (just off to eat some worms now). Anyway, here's the list, which probably isn't very exciting...

1. I once bought a Ken Dodd CD. I didn't want to; my mother made me. I don't think she made me listen to it though, which is always something.

2. I once auditioned for Scottish Ballet, but they didn't want me as my feet were the wrong shape (or so they claimed). Since I was only eight at the time I was able to rethink my career plans and take up theorem proving instead. Which ended well.

3. I have synaesthesia: I 'see' letters and numbers as having colours. Or at least if I think of a 'T', for example, I think of it as being a sort of royal blue colour. If I'm looking at it on the page I know it's blue, in the same way that if I saw a black and white picture of an orange I would know it was orange. Apparently some people do actually see the colours, but I think it's as well that I don't. They're kind of clashy.

4. I once played at Ibrox (Glasgow Rangers' ground). Admittedly, it was as part of a string quartet at someone's wedding. I think we won though.

5. I was once voted onto Glasgow University's SRC by 26 votes. That wasn't a 26 vote majority, you realise, just 26 votes. I blame Alison for most of them...

Well, hopefully that was slightly entertaining. I think I'm supposed to suggest that 5 other people try it now, so: Alasdair, Jamie, Stuart, Shrig, and Nikki...


Lisa said...

Thanks Claire! The coloured letters one is very cool. Tell us more!

Unknown said...

I didn't know about the Ken Dodd CD but I remember playing at Ibrox!