Sunday, January 30, 2011

Headshots - Part 2

My next headshot photo victim was Glasgow writer Kirsty Logan, who was bravely photographed in all sorts of locations in the city centre, starting with the mirrored entrance hall in GoMA (I have a thing for mirror-y photos).

Then out on Queen St./Ingram St.

where she acquired an admirer who was keen to be included in a shot...

outside Agent Provocateur, which had a backdrop I thought would be ideal for author photos accompanying very serious articles...

Finally, we talked our way into the Corinthian where there was a deserted bar with yet another mirror in it which provided a suitably interesting blurry background...

You can see the rest of the shots over here.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

32 Miles in the Fog

I was back at The Ferry, in the fog (which later cleared enough from the city centre to get the photos of the river in the last entry) to photograph 32 Miles to Breakfast. I caught up with them just as they were going in to the Ferry and we all narrowly managed to avoid sliding on the almost-vertical gangway thing and making an unnecessarily dramatic entrance (the river seemed much higher than usual).

There were a couple of bands on before them, the first one was very loud. Their drummer in particular played as though the drum-kit had previously upset him and he was looking for revenge... After that was Psycho Babe, who were less loud, more tuneful and whose singer and guitarist were much more photographically fun with flamboyant outfits, lots of hair, and lots of flinging themselves around the stage...

and indeed the audience...

and dancefloor.

Next up were 32 Miles, with several new tunes...

the whole band



Mike (and cool t-shirt)

James hidden away with the drums.

Floating City

No tripod, so a wee bit wonky...

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Trying out some of the onOne free Lightroom presets to give everything a wildly spooky effect (in addition to the fog, which was real).


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I went over to see Katie and her new arrival Ruth the other day

along with big-sister Helen

who also had a baby that she was looking after very carefully

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I was over trying out my new off-camera flash gadget (in the style of Potatojunkie) yesterday, while trying to get some b&w shots of Matthew for the wall. He wasn't entirely convinced by the flash and so looks a bit less jolly than usual (also, I think he was ready for his dinner).


With Alison

Deep in concentration

Andrew (who was also unimpressed by the flash - despite the inclusion of a spirit level in the tripod).

Monday, January 10, 2011

mymodernmet and mysterious shadow people

Have a look at My Modern Met for lots of wildly intriguing photo articles, including this one on the mysterious Shadow People created by Kumi Yamashita (as seen in the photo above from the article).

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Headshots - Part 1.

I have roped a couple of stray writers in for some headshot publicity material (go on - hire me to take your picture!) Target number one was A.B. Jackson who gamely sat in front of a wall...

underneath a painting by Richard Dadd...

with some sort of bizarre poetry broadcast device...

and on the swings.

Watch this space to find out who's next...