Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Donald Dewar and Buchanan Street. Posted by Picasa

More Buchanan Street. It's very photogenic. Posted by Picasa

Wierd thing in the window of the Concert Hall. Posted by Picasa

Unearthly rainbow and flying saucers near Ikea. Posted by Picasa

This year's crop of goslings from the Cavendish pond back in Cambridge. Taken by Anthony - my informant on the state of Cambridge wildlife and/or provers. In addition to gosling photos his new blog has lots of his compositions - you should definitely have a listen... Posted by Picasa

Apparently Stuart has been quite disturbed by the ongoing troubles of the bear across the road:
"That's really quite a sad image. It was starting to disturb me until I told myself that Pooh is actually playing paintball here; hiding in the undergrowth, waiting for Piglet so he can shoot him. That made things much better. It's a happy scene"
Even so, as this latest photo shows, the strain of waiting for Piglet seems to have driven him to drink (the bear, not Stuart). Posted by Picasa

The swans with all seven of the cygnets. Several of them haven't quite got the hang of diving for food yet and so swim around in the slightly disturbing 'headless' manner you see here... Posted by Picasa

One of the cygnets. Posted by Picasa

As far as we know the cat can't actually play the piano (nor can the snake). But she quite often sits on the stool staring intently a page of music, so I'm not entirely convinced... Posted by Picasa